Calculation of electric and magnetic field in substations and generated by transmission lines (ANEEL Normative Resolution 398)

  • Client: Electromag
  • Local: Grande ABC - São Paulo
  • Date: 2022
  • Segment: Study of electric, magnetic and grounding study

Project Details:

Every transmission line of active electric energy has associated with its operation the existence of electric and magnetic fields. The electric fields are due to the line's own voltage and the magnetic fields, in turn, are due to the current circulating in the line. The construction or reform of electric power transmission lines can result in changes in the values of electric and magnetic fields around it.

Due to the fact that a portion of the population may be exposed to these electrical and magnetic fields generated by transmission lines, especially those installed in urban areas, there is a natural concern to meet the recommendations related to the possible biological effects of these fields on humans.

We elaborate computer simulations to determine the values of electric and magnetic field generated by LT, which are compared with the reference levels specified by the Brazilian Federal Law No. 11,934/2009 and Normative Resolution No. 398 of ANEEL.

In addition, we develop an electromagnetic compatibility study with emphasis on the determination of the values of electric and magnetic field in the area of substations and their borderline carried out for the purpose of verifying compliance with normative resolutions.